50 people series: Savanna
by Joel Howard
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by Joel Howard
Firstborn Savanna
Royalty you portray in your laughter
You make me unglued J
Your smile and your giggles
Make my soul move
I am never more prouder
Than when I’m with you
You got this, dear girly!
I’m ever with you!
You got this, dear Savanna
Let’s see how you move!
Let’s see what you’ll do!
Royalty you portray in your laughter
You make me unglued J
Your smile and your giggles
Make my soul move
I am never more prouder
Than when I’m with you
You got this, dear girly!
I’m ever with you!
You got this, dear Savanna
Let’s see how you move!
Let’s see what you’ll do!
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