Biography series: Mother Teresa

To feed just one
by Joel Howard
Inspired by the childhood and life of Mother Teresa

To serve the poorest of the poor
I leave to serve you, O Lord
Poverty disturbs me
Be near me, Lord, be near me

To serve the poorest of the poor
I leave this town to serve you, dear Lord
Mother and sister behind me
Be near me, Lord, be near me

I look up to the missionaries before
I leave what I know to serve you, my Lord
Downward I climb to the lowest of low
Be near me, Lord, be near me

To meet my newest family
I come to serve you, my Lord
To feed one, just one hungry for love
Be near us, Lord, be near us

Regardless of the legacy come
I bow to serve you, dear Lord
Let love arrive as it is in heaven
Be near us, Lord, be near us

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